Fort St Louis

2nd Battalion, Le Royal 22e Regiment (Van Doos) 1953 – 1955 (1)
1st Battalion, Le Royal 22e Regiment (van Doos) 1955 – 1957
3rd Battalion, Le Royal 22e Regiment (Van Doos) 1957 – 1959
1st Battalion, The Black Watch, RHC (Royal Highland Regiment) 1959 – 1962
2nd Battalion, The Black Watch, RHC (Royal Highland Regiment) 1962 – 1965
2nd Battalion, Le Royal 22e Regiment (Van Doos) 1965 – 1967
1st Battalion, Le Royal 22e Regiment (Van Doos) 1967 – 1970
4th Service Battalion Postal Platoon 1969 – 1970

The Army Kinema Corporation, Globe Theatre 1953 – 1970
Maple Leaf Services 1953 – 1970

Transferred to British hands in 1970 and subsequently renamed Albuhera Barracks which was a combination of Fort Anne and Fort St Louis.

(1) Le Royal 22e Regiment – Francophone regiment recruited in the Province of Quebec.

All photographs courtesy of Canadian Ruhr Memories. The following pictures are of Fort St. Louis:

The Globe Cinema

Now being used as an holding area for by wagons of logging companies.