Sennelager Various

A post card showing a very well kept Sennelager.

I went on posting to Sennelager (probably the worst lager in the world). Our local pub at that time was “Danni’s Bar” run by a bloke called Uwe. It got it’s nick name from the fact it was on Danziger Str. The main drinking den in town for us was “Beer House”, if I remember correctly it’s German name was Pupasch.

A truly excellent posting


A 1960s Post Card of the Married Quarters at Sennelager. Top left: St Michael’s Catholic Church on Bielefelder Strasse, 3 shots of the Flats on Lahrkamp Strasse and bottom right I believe is the MRS which I think was on Artillerie Strasse.

Courtesy of Mr Mick Hughes.