An early postcard of “Hauptwache” 1876. The Training Centre opened for business 1892 – the tented accommodation constructions to right of Guard Room were named “D Zug” by German troops who used them (more or less on square between Guard Room and Sergeants’ Mess accommodation currently). The building preservation order on the Guard Room refers to a building from 1892.
A Köningstiger of sPzAbt. 503. Sennelager 1944.
Contrary to popular myth a number of Tiger Tanks were found here. Several at a snorkling testing station out in the ulu run by Henschel on the trg area – there is extensive literature. The guy running the place was so involved with his machines he briefed Maj Gen Hobart extensively and even got to see VE Day in London.
The second tank was excavated from woodlands camp (where so much Nitat trg went on) inside Normandy Barracks – all went to Bovington to they have stacks of bits for re-builds and refurbs and I am sure have swapped with other museums.
Mr Patrick Butterly
Winning Mühle and Harrier air strip
I served with 2nd Bn Light Infantry at Lemgo 1974 -1978 and have fond memories of the Sennelager Training Area. In 1977 it was the scene of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Parade. A lot of money was spent removing unexploded ordnance from the area, then a 300 yard tarmac road was built for the drive past of all the vehicles on the Parade Day. At that time we were Armd Inf and on restricted track mileage. Paint of all things was in short supply, but all that went out of the window for this.
We would drive down in the morning than back at night. Two weeks before the parade we moved down to Sennelager until after the event. Practice in the morning, paint wagons, practice in afternoon then paint the wagons again. This went on until the actual day of the Parade itself. Nothing was too much.
I remember on one particular practice, on the start of the drive past the tanks dipped their guns to the right and down. On another occasion the stabiliser went haywire on one of the tanks and the barrel smashed into another tank, resulting in a bent barrel. Needless to say it was immediately replaced ready for next practice.
On the day it was spectacular. I saw a video of it later and it was an awesome sight.
Also spent many happy hours at Tin City as the Civ Pop. As a Resident Inf Bn we often called on for training the other Arms Regt, Bn’s RE, ARTY, Tanks with the NITAT especially if they were going to N Ireland in Inf capacity.
We must have done some good as several times we were complimented after they had done a tour…with after what you put us through Ireland was a doddle!
Danny Kay Exp Cpl Sigs Plt 2LI
Here (above and the two images below) can be seen the families of 1 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery having a day out at Sennelager Ranges, with the Winning Mühle
brightly displayed in the background.
Courtesy of Canadian Ruhr Memories.
Courtesy of Canadian Ruhr Memories.
Courtesy of Canadian Ruhr Memories.
Range B
Delousing chambers – the clothing of soldiers returned from the front was put in the chamber and a pyrethrum smoke candle burnt in the bottom of the chamber.
One of the many bunkers scattered around the area.
These bunkers would not only be used for observation, but also to create moving targets by a series of handles (see below).
Sterling pistol range
Innovation as only the Army can. Still, you’d need small legs to find any comfort here.
The original Tin City.
Courtesy of Tiny Hart
Tin City (above and below)
“BP Garage” and what looks like my estate. Gardens are somewhat tidier and there is less litter though.