Dempsey Barracks

Updated 9 September 2024

Original Name – Kürassier Kaserne

Home to:
2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards

arrived from UK 2 May 48 – moved to Krefeld May 50

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49

Part II

39 REGT RA Feb 1960 – 1995
12 REGT RA 1995 – Dec 2007 (3)
1 QDG Dec 2007 on (4)
(3) Moved to Thorney Island, West Sussex as part of the Future Army Structure (FAS).
(4) Arriving from Imphal Barracks, Osnabrück after 9 years, although being part of 20th Armoured Brigade throughout.

Named after General Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey GBE KCB DSO MC (15th December 1896 – 5th June 1969) who was commander of the British Second Army during the D-Day landings in World War II. He was a career soldier who made his reputation in active service.

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards, known as ‘The Welsh Cavalry’, are to be based in Sennelager – 10 years after they last served in Paderborn Garrison.

Courtesy of Sgt Anthony Boocock RLC

Left – Main Barrack Square with Workshops & Offices on Left and Gymnasium at the end.
Right – Here you can just see the end of the Barrack Square – 1949.

Courtesy of 2628965 Brian (Boy) Brenchley

Left – Memorial opposite Sgt’s Mess entrance.
Right – The road leading to the barracks’ gate.

Courtesy of 2628965 Brian (Boy) Brenchley

MT Lines & Small Square in front of the Orderly Room.

Courtesy of 2628965 Brian (Boy) Brenchley

Left – Rear View of No 1 Company Block which was on your left as you entered the barracks.
Right – Another view in the barracks.

Courtesy of 2628965 Brian (Boy) Brenchley

Left – Another view in the barracks
Right – Brian as Drummer on guard at Dempsey Barracks – 1949.

Courtesy of 2628965 Brian (Boy) Brenchley

I had been carrying out my duties as normal during the day. 16.30 hrs came and it was time for me to sound ‘Retreat’. I duly positioned myself on the edge of the Barrack Square, and sounded the call. That was fine, the next part of my duty was to lower the Battalion Flag and so having marched over to the Flag pole I commence lowering it. All went well until I undid the last clip securing it to the halyard, (which incidentally was wire not rope), and up to the top of the pole it went. Neatly coiled at the top.

In a panic, I marched quickly back to the Guardroom to report to the Sgt of the Guard. Having explained how it has happened we both went back to the flagpole to work out how we were going to retrieve it. The pole was of the 35 foot variety, and was securely fixed in the metal supports at its base. All bolts were well and truly rusted, with goodness knows how many coats of paint on them. So there was no way we were going to be able to lower the pole.

Having returned to the Guardroom to plan the next move, it was decided that after I had sounded ‘Lights Out’ at 23.00 hrs, I would get into ‘Denim Order’ and ‘Shin up the Pole’. I can now report that the mission was accomplished satisfactorily! Mind you, there were moments during the climb that I wished I was somewhere else, particularly as the pole got thinner near the top and started to bend! I certainly made sure that didn’t happen again.

2628965 Brian (Boy) Brenchley