Roberts Barracks

Original Name – Winkelhausen Kaserne from the name of Colonel Winkelhausen who was the Commandant during World War One.
It was then named after Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts.

Updated 1 September 2024

Home to:
6th Battalion Highland Light Infantry 1946 (1)
1st Battalion King’s Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own) 1946-1948 (2)
11th Hussars (Prince Albert’s Own) RAC 1948-1950 (3)

Home to:
5th Regiment Royal Horse Artillery 1946-1948 (4)

(1) arrived from Stukenbrock north of Paderborn 15 May 46 – disbanded 1 Aug 46
(2) arrived from
Glückstadt south-west of Itzehoe 14 Jul 46 – moved to Minden 17 Feb 48
(3) arrived from Delmenhorst 22 Feb 48 – moved to Wesendorf north of Braunschweig Oct 50
(4) arrived from Heide north-west of Itzehoe 17 Jul 46 – moved to UK 21 Feb 48

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49

Part II

HQ 11 Engineer Group RE 1950-1964 (1)


Roberts Barracks (North)

38 Corps Engineer Regiment RE 1951 – 1957 (3)
61 Field Squadron – 62 Field Squadron – 63 Field Squadron – 27 Plant Training Troop

35 Corps Engineer Regiment RE 1957 – 1964 (5)
16 Field Squadron – 30 Field Squadron – 42 Field Squadron
23 Corps Engineer Regiment RE 1969 – 1976 (9)

7 Field Squadron to UK Apr 1970 still under command to 32 Armd Engr Regt Apr 71
16 Field Squadron – 37 Field Squadron from Apr 1971 to Gordon Barracks Hameln Apr 76
43 Field Support Squadron RE 1976 – 1976 (8)

7th Regiment Royal Horse Artillery 1977 – April 1984 (11)
4th Field Regiment RA 1984 – 2008

Roberts Barracks (South)

37 Army (Corps from 1954) Engineer Regiment RE 1950 – 1955 (2)
33 Field Squadron – 34 Field Squadron – 40 Field Squadron
41 Field (Corps from 1954) Park Squadron

36 Corps Engineer Regiment RE 1955 – 1958 (4)
20 Field Squadron – 24 Field Squadron – 57 Field Squadron
41 Corps Park Squadron to 40 Advanced Engineers Stores Regiment Kitchener Barracks Willich 1957

25 Corps Engineer (Engineer from Apr 1969) Regiment RE 1958 – 1976 (6)
37 Field Squadron to HQRE 2 Div Feb 1968 – 39 Field Squadron to Aden Apr 1967 to Oct 1967
50 Field Squadron to Aden Aug 1964 replaced by 12 Field Squadron Dec 1964
43 Field Park (Field Support from Jan 1968) Squadron RE 1964 – 1976 (8)

2 Armoured Division Engineer Regiment RE then 25 Engineer Regiment RE 1976 – 1992 (10)
12 Field Squadron to 28 Engr Regt Jul 1992 – 16 Field Squadron disbanded Aug 1992
39 Field Squadron to 23 Engr Regt Jan 1983
43 Field Support Squadron RE 1976 – 1983 (8)

23 Engineer Regiment RE 1983 – 1984 (11)
HQ Squadron formed 73 Independent Field Squadron Nov 1983
25 Field Squadron from 26 Engr Regt
39 Field Squadron from 23 Engr Regt Jan 1983 to Quebec Barracks Osnabrück Nov 1983
43 Field Support Squadron RE from 25 Engr Regt 1964 – 1976 (8)

7th Field Ambulance RAMC
2nd Armoured Field Ambulance RAMC circa 1984 (12)

Sub Units

65 Corps Field Park Squadron formed 1953 from 1254 Workshop and Park Squadron to Ravlin Park Hameln 1964
11 Engineer Group Signals renamed 11 Engineer Group HQ and Signal Squadron Sep 59 1950-1964 (1)
The Corps Engineer Regiments had a Royal Signals Rear Link Troop each

66 Company Royal Army Service Corps ? – 1959?

23 Amphibious River Crossing Cadre renamed 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron Aug 1963 1962 – 1964 (7)

31 Armoured Engineer Squadron from 32 Armd Engr Regt 1971 – 1976 to Munsterlager

1 Armoured Engineer Squadron command 21 Engr Regt 1999 – 2008 to UK

Closed 18th December 2008

(1) Formed April 51 command 11 Armd Div until the formation of 1 (BR) Corps to Bindon Barracks Hameln Sep 64
(2) Arrived from Crickhowell Nov 50 to Cyprus less 41 Corps Park Squadron Nov 55
(3) Formed Apr 951 to Christmas Island via UK 1957
(4) Arrived from Ripon Oct 55 Suez operation Aug 56 to Dec 56 to Maidstone Sep 58
(5) Arrived from Ripon Nov 57 to Gordon Barracks Hameln Sep 64
(6) Arrived from Maidstone Sep 58 merged with 23 Engineer Regiment Sep 76
(7) Formed May 62 from 1 Troop 50 Field Squadron to Bindon Barracks Hameln May 64
(8) Arrived from Hameln Oct 64 to 40 Army Engineer Support Regiment renamed 43 Plant Squadron Jun 83
(9) Formed Apr 69 merged with 25 Engineer Regiment Sep 76
(10) Formed Sep 78 from 23 Engineer Regiment and 25 Engineer Regiment renamed 25 Engineer Regiment Jan 81 to Maserene Barracks Antrim NI Aug 92
(11) Formed Jan 83 to Quebec Barracks Osnabrück 1984 7 RHA went to Germany and taken away from their Parachute roll on being replaced at Roberts Barracks they returned to Aldershot to resume their original airborne duties
(12) 2 Armoured Field Ambulance was an amalgamation of 7 Fd Amb from Roberts Bks and 31 Fd Amb from Munster

The picture above is that of the entrance to what is now Roberts Barracks.The tall blocks seen past the gate are (or were in 1991) 4 Field Regiment RA. Other units in the barracks included 4 Armd Field Amb, and two engineer regiments. The main railhead was located at the West end of the camp and was used for loading and unloading all armoured vehicles in Osnabruck. The West side of the Barracks was designated “Blacker” Barracks and is also where the ASU is.

In British Hands

Entrance to 40 Field Squadron Royal Engineers block (3rd block back from main gate towards Osnabrück) Sapper Crick, from Desborough, near Kettering.

Courtesy of Tony Burgess

I was with 40 Field Sqn, RE at Osnabruck, from 1951 to 1952, we were the 3rd block back from the main gate towards the tram stop, beside An der Netta Heide. 40 Field was part of 37 AER, and the other side of the main gate was 38 AER. 40 Field arrived from Crickhowell, near Abergaveny sometime in 1950; and left again I believe about 1955. I so far have not found any site devoted to or even mentioning 40 Field or even 37 AER. Roberts Barracks was a great place to be, especially after doing my training in Aldershot. We had some great times bridging at Hameln and weapon training at Sennelager.

Tony Burgess 22414720 RE Life Member Now living in Sydney, Australia.

REME BAOR Cfn Cup 1962 final (above and below). Played at 35 Engr Regt in Osnabrück on their square (in the rain). 16/5 L LAD beat 5 Inf Wksp 3-2 after extra time.

Courtesy of Sgt Ed Cooper, REME

Courtesy of Sgt Ed Cooper, REME

The following four pictures and information are courtesy of Mr Mick Hughes.

Roberts Barracks this time for the formation of 2 Armoured Division Engineer Regiment. The following text has been taken from Gateway No.13 October 1976 – Newspaper for British Soldiers and Families in Osnabrück and District.

The Parade which took place in Roberts Barracks, Osnabrück, marked the end of the short history of 23 Engineer Regiment. It also closed the history of 25 Engineer Regiment which had been in existence since 1950. By the time the Field Squadrons had marched from the square, a new Regimental title had been given to the re-formed Parade; “2 Armoured Division Engineer Regiment.”

The Parade and it’s ensuing Receptions in the Officers and Warrant Officers’ Messes were the only events to mark the change of titles. Five squadrons occupied the square in an impressive parade during which the old Regiments saluted each other by firing a ceremonial volley into the air. After counter-marching through the opposing ranks to arrive, the squadrons left the parade in their correct order of seniority and the new Regimental Flag was raised to a fanfare played by the Band of the Devonshire & Dorset Regiment.

The Review of the Parade was carried out by Major General E M Mackay CBE who is now retiring as Chief Engineer of the British Army of the Rhine and had been in 1962 the second-in-command of 2 Division Engineers.

This eagle was once one of a pair, so I was told by a plucky Irish Military Police Corporal. They used to sit on the gate posts by the RMP Station, but only one now survives, albeit slightly broken.

Just found this site, great place by the way. Yes it was a shame Osnabruck Garrison closing, but I’m proud to say I was one of the last out of Roberts Bks as it was handed over on the 18th Dec 2008. Now back in the UK.

Courtesy of post on Forum by Rag & Oil

Roberts Barracks through the main gate looking up the main drag with the LAD at the end of the road. A sad sight all overgrown and uncared for.

Looking left through the main gate at the Regimental square with the cookhouse behind the tree.

Photographs and captions courtesy of recymech

Aerial view of Roberts Barracks courtesy of

I was stationed for five and a half years with 25 Engr Regt RE from 1967 – 1972. My memories of the Roberts Bks were the camp barber who was called ‘Scouse’, my Sqn which was 39 Fd Sqn RE and the OR’s bar called ‘The Crowbar’. Also in the barracks were 37 Fd Sqn RE and Postal/Courier RE. There was an Education Centre and the WRVS building. 37 Fd Sqn RE left in 1968/69 and a company from the Devon & Dorsets took over.

7 Fd Amb RAMC occupied a block behind 39 Fd Sqn RE and a Dutch contingent opposite them. The LAD was situated around Times Square. About 1970 there were plans drawn up to extend the workshops. The car park was taken up and footings were being drilled into the concrete. A large hole appeared and on enlargement, found to be a concealed bunker containing a large amount of Third Reich items. Rumours spread – guns, helmets and flags. We never saw anything come out but the RMP were involved for a long time.

Courtesy of Brian Sykes

I  was stationed at Roberts Barracks, Osnabruck from December 1952 to February 1953 when I returned to the UK. There were four other ranks occupying a room with 37 AER but we were only attached to them for eating and sleeping. Our work station was 150 DCRE at a house called Martinsberg and we were taken there by 30 cwt every morning and returned in the late afternoon. The unit had a fleet of VW Beetles which were driven by German civilian drivers who took me to the Field Post Office every morning, stopping off at the WVS/Redshield Club for refreshment, to collect the unit’s post and again in the opposite direction in the afternoon.  I also made two trips to HQ BAOR at Bad Oeynhausen. We had to take turns to sleep at Martinsberg every so often to answer the ‘phone for emergency call outs to units or married quarters in the garrison. One incident that comes to mind is when some loads of coal being transported from the rail head to the grounds of Martinsberg by German civilian drivers went awol and my job was to count the lorries in hidden within one of the huts.  It turned out this scam was being organised by the German in charge, I enjoyed my short time in Osnabruck going in to town shopping and even went to a concert by Johnny Dankworth which must have been very early in his career.

22794905 L/Cpl Brown A.J. (Alan)