Dragoona Barracks

Updated 18 June 2024

Dragoner Kaserne – there was a proposal to rename as Gallipoli Barracks in Sep 46

Home to:
Main HQ 2nd Canadian Infantry Division 1945 (1)
HQ Royal Canadian Artillery 2nd Canadian Infantry Division 1945 (2)
C Squadron 141st Regiment (The Buffs) RAC 1945 (3)
79th (Scottish Horse) Medium Regiment RA 1945-1946 (4)
108 Medium Battery – 109 Medium Battery
Q (Sanna’s Post) Anti-Tank Battery RA 1947-1948 (5)

(1) moved to Staatsministerium today Police Headquarters Theodor-Tanten-Platz 9 May 45 – moved to Blücher Kaserne later Maple Leaf Barracks Aurich 17 May 45
(2) moved to Habbrügge south-east of Oldenburg 12 May 45
(3) 31st Armoured Brigade – moved to Caspari Kaserne later Vancouver Barracks Delmenhorst 9 May 45
(4) arrived from the Netherlands 26 May 45 – 4th Army Group RA – 2nd/7th Canadian Infantry Brigade 16 Feb 46 – suspended animation 27 Mar 46

(5) arrived from Munsterlager 1 Jul 47 – 10th Anti-Tank Regiment RA – moved to Ubique Barracks Dortmund 19 Feb 48

Sources: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to 1 Mar 49