
Updated 24 August 2024

Stadt Burgsteinfurt and Landkreis Steinfurt

North of Münster with several HQs and major units located there

Requisitioned civilian accommodation

HQ 19th Line of Communication Sub Area 1945 (1)
HQ 34th Armoured Brigade 1945-1946 (2)
147th (Royal Hampshire) Regiment RAC 1945 (3)
107th (King’s Own) Regiment RAC 1945-1946 (4)
51st (Midland) Medium Regiment RA 1945-1946 (5)
215 Battery – 240 Battery
HQ 1st Belgium Infantry Brigade Group 1945 (6)
2nd Belgium Infantry Battalion 1945 (7)
3rd Belgium Infantry Battalion 1945 (8)
1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry RAC 1945-1946 (9)
14th Belgium Fusilier Battalion 1945 (10)
4th Royal Tank Regiment RAC 1945-1946 (11)
HQ 76th Anti-Aircraft Brigade 1945-1946 (12)
120th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA 1945-1946 (13)
393 Battery – 394 Battery – 395 Battery
125th (Cameronians) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA 1945-1946 (14)
417 Battery – 418 Battery – 419 Battery
4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards RAC 1945-1946 (15)
49th Armoured Personnel Carrier Regiment RAC 1945-1946 (16)
112th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA 1945 (17)
352 Battery – 353 Battery – 380 Battery
1st Searchlight Regiment RA 1945 (18)
1/1 Battery – 2/1 Battery – 7/1 Battery
26th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA 1945-1946 (19)
1st Battalion Border Regiment 1946 (20)
HQ 156th (West Scottish) Infantry Brigade 1946 (21)
2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own) 1946 (22)

(1) Schloss Burgsteinfurt – disbanded 26 Sep 45
(2) Burgstraße Burgsteinfurt – part relieved by 76th Anti-Aircraft Brigade 28 Feb 46 – part relieved by 156th Infantry Brigade 5 Mar 46 – disbanded 20 Mar 46
(3) Ochtrup north-west of Burgsteinfurt – Laer south of Burgsteinfurt 19 Jun 45 – moved to
Wendhausen north-east of Braunschweig 26 Jun 45
(4) Nordwalde south-east of Burgsteinfurt – Oxford Barracks 29 May 45 – Laggenbeck north-east of Münster 22 Oct 45
– suspended animation 24 Mar 46
(5) Borghorst south-east of Burgsteinfurt – Greven north of Münster 29 May 45
– suspended animation 1 Apr 46
(6) arrived from Netherlands 15 May 45 – Drumstege Burgsteinfurt – moved to
Oelde south-east of Warendorf 28 May 45
(7) arrived
Laer south of Burgsteinfurt 29 May 45 – moved to Lüdinghausen south-west of Oelde 5 Jun 45
arrived Metelen west of Burgsteinfurt 15 May 45 moved to Wadersloh south-east of Oelde 29 May 45
(9) arrived from
Lübberstedt east of Lüneburg 6 Jun 45 – Nordwalde south-east of Burgsteinfurt – Recke north-east of Burgsteinfurt 18 Jun 45 – Hopsten north-east of Burgsteinfurt 20 Jun 45 – Belgium 15 Aug 45 returns 20 Aug 45 – Emsdetten north-east of Burgsteinfurt 29 Dec 45 – moved to Gehrden south-west of Hannover 10 Apr 46
(10) Rheine north-west of Burgsteinfurt – Emsdetten north-east of Burgsteinfurt 6 Jun 45
– moved to Bochum 20 Jun 45
(11) arrived from
Bassen east of Bremen 9 Jun 45 – Ibbenbüren north-east of Burgsteinfurt – moved to Italy 26 Jan 46
(12) arrived from Dortmund 20 Jun 45 – Am Bach Laer north-west of Münster – Schloss Burgsteinfurt 24 Sep 45 Burgstraße Burgsteinfurt 1 Mar 46 – relieved by 156th (West Scottish) Infantry Brigade 5 Mar 46 – disbanded 15 Apr 46
(13) arrived from Bochum 20 Jun 45
Emsdetten north of Münster – disbanded 9 Jan 46
(14) arrived from Soest east of Dortmund 20 Jun 45 – Nordwalde north of Münster – suspended animation 21 Mar 46

(15) arrived from Ovelgönne south-east of
Stade 28 Jun 45 – Ochtrup north-west of Burgsteinfurt – moved to UK 15 Jan 46
(16) arrived from
Kirchgellersen west of Lüneburg 8 Jul 45 – Bevergern north-east of Burgsteinfurt – disbanded 16 Jan 46
arrived from Dortmund 10 Jul 45 – Emsdetten north of Münster – moved to Bottrop south-west of Münster 19 Jul 45 – returns 31 Aug 45 – Mettingen north-east of Burgsteinfurt 9 Oct 45 – disbanded 31 Oct 45
(18) arrived from Tecklenburg north-east of Münster 5 Oct 45 – Laer north-west of Münster – moved to UK 2 Dec 45
(19) arrived from UK – Laer north-west Münster – Ibbenbüren north-east of Burgsteinfurt 28 Feb 46 – reduced to detachment – suspended animation 16 Apr 46
(20) arrived from
Hannoversch Münden south-west of Göttingen 13 Feb 46 – Ochtrup north-west of (15) Burgsteinfurt – moved to Wilhelmshaven 23 Apr 46
(21) arrived from Recklinghausen 1 Mar 46 – Schloss Burgsteinfurt – relieved by 4th Armoured Brigade in Warendorf 15 Apr 46 – moved to Wilhelmshaven 19 Apr 46
(22) arrived from Flensburg 6 Apr 46 –
Greven north of Münster – A Sqn arrived 14 Apr 46 – Mühlenstraße Burgsteinfurt 11 Jun 46 – B Sqn remained in Greven – moved to Fallingbostel 1 Sep 46

Squadrons/Batteries/Companies were at various locations

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49