Mülheim an der Ruhr

Updated 22 August 2024

Stadtkreis Mulheim was the responsibility of the following higher formations:
53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division 11 Jun 45
2nd Infantry Division 1 Apr 47

Requisitioned civilian accommodation

158th (Royal Welch) Infantry Brigade 1945-1946 (1)
2nd Battalion South Wales Borders 1945 (2)
7th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers 1945-1946 (3)
4th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers 1946 (4)

(1) arrived from Essen 13 Jun 45 – Bunsenstraße – moved to Duisburg 4 Jun 46
(2) arrived from Hamburg 11 Jun 45 – Koloniestraße Broich – moved to Erwitte south of Lippstadt 14 Jun 45
(3) arrived from Lippstadt 14 Jun 45 – Koloniestraße Broich – Dohne & Mendener Straße 28 Jun 45 – suspended animation 28 Feb 46
(4) arrived from Hückeswagen south-east of Remscheid 28 Feb 46 – Dohne & Mendener Straße – moved to Düsseldorf 3 Jun 46

Companies were at various locations

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49