Mönchengladbach various

Updated 22 August 2024

Requisitioned civilian accommodation

HQ 53rd Divisional Artillery Brigade 1945-1946 (1)
67th (Suffolk) Medium Regiment RA 1945 (2)
231 Battery – 232 Battery
81st (Welsh) Field Regiment RA 1945-1946 (3)
323 Battery – 324 Battery – 459 Battery
83rd (Monmouth Volunteer Artillery) Field Regiment RA 1945-1946 (4)
329 Battery – 330 Battery – 460 Battery
61st (North Midland) Super Heavy Regiment RA 1945 (5)
241 Battery – 242 Battery – 443 Battery
69th (Caernarvonshire and Denbighshire Yeomanry) Medium Regiment RA 1945 (6)
241 Battery – 242 Battery
HQ 159th Infantry Brigade 1946 (7)
Company 5th Battalion King’s (Liverpool) Regiment 1946 (8)
2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 1946 (9)

(1) arrived from Hamburg 9 Jun 45 – School Regentenstraße – Gneisenaustraße 44 18 Jun 45 – relieved by 159th Infantry Brigade in Krefeld 15 May 46 – moved to Hilden north-east of Düsseldorf 15 Jul 46
(2) arrived from Hamburg 8 Jun 45 – Wickrath south of Möchengladbach – moved to Rheinberg north-west of Duisburg 15 Jun 45
(3) arrived from Hamburg 9 Jun 45 – Grevenbroich south-east of Mönchengladbach – suspended animation 1 Jun 46
(4) arrived from Hamburg 10 Jun 45 – Rheydt-Geneicken – Möchengladbach 5 Dec 45 – moved to Kempen north-west of Krefeld 1 Apr 46
(5) arrived from Netherlands 13 Jun 45 – Wickrathberg south of Möchengladbach – Hochneukirch south of Möchengladbach 15 Jun 45 – moved to Lintorf south-east of Duisburg 20 Aug 45
(6) arrived from Goch north-west of Duisburg 15 Jun 45 – Wickrath south of Möchengladbach – Wickrathberg south of Möchengladbach 17 Jun 45 – moved to Wuppertal 9 Sep 45
(7) arrived from Krefeld 15 Jun 46 – Gneisenaustraße 44 – relieved by 157th Infantry Brigade in Krefeld and disbanded 15 Jul 46
(8) arrived from Süchteln south-west of Krefeld 1 May 46 – Mönchengladbach – disbanded 15 Jul 46
(9) arrived from Minden 15 Jun 45 – Mönchengladbach – moved to Buer south-west of Recklinghausen 16 Jul 46

Batteries/Companies were at various locations

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49

The INT building at 52 Gneisenau Str in Mönchengladbach. It was two villas joined together with the office accommodation in the building pictured and the living accommodation in the building to the right. The INT CORPS left there in 1964 and it subsequently became a hostel for NAAFI employees and then a Teachers’ Mess.

Courtesy of PJ

The following was sent to me and is with regards to a gentleman named JP who was stationed in Mönchengladbach with the Int. Corps:

He was stationed at HQ INT CORPS in 1946 when it consisted of six INT CORPS together with Russian, Dutch and German personnel. At the time they were the only army unit in the town. The HQ was a doctor’s house on the East side of Viersenerstrasse next to the allotment and opposite the tram stop.(Note by me (PJ): this looks to be different to Gneisenaustrasse which was off Viersenerstrasse but may need looking into further). The Kriminal Polizei were housed on the ground floor which tended to keep undesirable elements away and allowed our informants to enter the building unabashed.

Courtesy of PJ