BMH Hostert

The following pictures and information are courtesy of Mr Simon Moore.

Situated about 1.5 miles north of JHQ, this building (or parts of it) actually started life as a Franciscan monastery. However, a dark side prevails as during the Nazi period the site was used to implement euthanasia. After the war and in British hands, it became BMH Hostert. This lasted from 1950s until early 1960s, when it was converted/re-roled to Kent School.

Tom Baker who starred in ‘Dr Who’ did his National Service here.

Courtesy of Bob H who I was at BMH Hostert from April 1959-1963 as ACC Cook Cpl.

Photos above courtesy Mr Simon Moore

To find out more information about BMH Hostert and Kent School please click here to view a German site on the subject.