Worcester Barracks

Updated 10 September 2024

Original Name – Scharnhorst (Infanterie) Kaserne

Home to:
74 (British) General Hospital 1945-1946 (1)
HQ 30th Corps District 1946 (2)
HQ 4th Armoured Brigade 1946-1948 (3)
1st Battalion (Hallamshire) York and Lancaster Regiment 1946-1947 (4)
1st Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment 1947 (5)
1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment 1947-1948 (6)
94th Observation Regiment RA 1948-1951 (7)
210 Observation Battery – 211 Observation Battery – 335 Locating Battery
204 Locating Battery
94th Locating Regiment RA 1951 (7)
9 Battery – 210 Battery – 211 Battery
4th Army Group Royal Artillery (Field) 1948-1950 (8)

(1) arrived from Belgium 19 Jun 45 – disbanded 6 Feb 46
(2) arrived from Nienburg 15 Apr 46 – relieved by 1st Corps District in Iserlohn 30 Sep 46 – disbanded 1 Nov 46
(3) arrived from Bomlitz north of Fallingbostel 1 Nov 46 – relieved by 4th Army Group Royal Artillery (Field) – moved to Rotenburg Airfield 10 Mar 48
(4) arrived from Lüchow north-east of Celle 1 Nov 46 – moved to Berlin 24 Mar 47
(5) arrived from Hildesheim 24 Mar 47 – suspended animation 15 Apr 47

(6) arrived from Italy 20 May 47 – moved to Berlin 4 Feb 48
(7) arrived from UK 1 Feb 48 – redesignated 94th Locating Regiment RA Sep 51 – moved to Munsterlager Dec 51 – 335 Battery disbanded 31 Dec 48 – 204 Battery forms 1 Jan 49
(8) arrived from Hamburg 10 Mar 48 – started to reform as HQRA 7th Armoured Division Dec 49

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49
British Army Units 1945 on

Part II

HQ 31st Lorried Infantry Brigade 1951 – Apr 1956
HQ 10 Infantry Brigade GP 1956 – Oct 1958

2nd Bn Royal Welch Fusiliers 1953 – Jun 1954
1st Bn Royal West Kent Regiment 1954 – Jun 1956
1st Bn The Welch Regiment 1956 – Oct 1957
1st Bn The South Staffordshire Regiment 1957 – Dec 1958

Handed over to German Army and renamed Scharnhorst-Kaserne 1958

(1) 1st Bn The Essex Regiment were based in Lüneburg, arriving from Elizabeth Barracks, Minden in 1951. In mid 1953 the regiment sailed on the Troopship “Asturias” for a year in Korea. The next move was in 1954 to be part of the Hong Kong Garrison.

The Regimental Square at Lüneberg with parked Matadors etc, dining hall in distance. The Matadors were usually only used for towing Radar caravans by 211 Battery, while 210 Battery used three tonners for Sound Ranging HQ ops while the Survey Troop tore around in Jeeps – 1949.

Courtesy of Mr Ron Bramble

A shot of Christmas Day’ festivities – Officers v Sergeants played in front of RHQ block.

Courtesy of Mr Ron Bramble

The RSM in green tunic and fetching green dress does a Web-Ellis down field at the Christmas Day football match. He lost his green Shako very early on.

Courtesy of Mr Ron Bramble