Alma Barracks

Updated 10 September 2024

Original Name – Fliegerhorst (Airfield) Kaserne

Home to:
HQ 83 Group RAF (1)
1st Air Formation Signals (1)
6th Airborne Division (2)
RAF Lüneburg remained until late 1953

(1) arrived from Eindhoven – moved to Schleswig 7 Jun 45
(2) enroute to UK 17-20 May 45

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49

Part II

1 Hamps 1951 – Oct 1953
1 Camerons Nov 1953 – Feb 1955
1 E Lancs Regt 1955 – Feb 1957
1 HLI 1957 – Dec 1958
22 Fd Amb: ?? – 1958 (2)
11 FDS: ?? – ?? (3)

Handed over to German Army and renamed Theodor-Körner-Kaserne 1958

(2) It is said that 22 Fd Amb was disbanded in the changes in 1958. Does anyone know how long they were in Alma Barracks?
(3) Does anyone have any information on 11 FDS?

This was located further east adjacent to the airfield, I believe they were ex Luftwaffe bks. In 1958 the HLI were based there as lorried infantry, unfortunately I do not have any further information on them apart from the fact that when in town we always sat a table near the Gastätte door as you could guarantee a punch up when the jocks were in the same place. I do not think they were replaced and the bks reverted to the German forces.

Bob Gregory

I did my NS 1957/59 in the RAMC, joining in January 1957 Army No 23365241. On completion of training I was posted to 22 Field Ambulance at Lüneburg (AlmaBarracks). My nursing training was at BMH Hamburg, the only other trip away from Lüneburg was to take part in Exercise Brown Jug in Denmark.

In the spring of 1958 there was a reorganisation of the British Army and 22 Field Ambulance was to be disbanded. I was posted to MRS Grobbendonk, part of Advance Base in Belgium, where I completed my service until demob in January 1959, finishing up as a full corporal.

Returning to Lüneberg, Alma Barracks was home to the H.L.I., 22 Field Ambulance, and 11 FDS. The photographs(below) show the edge of the camp along side the Forest and the Airfield. My hobby was photography, so I have quite a few photos somewhere!!

Other units forming part of the Lüneburg garrison at this time were the 8th Hussars and the Welch Regiment, a combination that was inviting trouble!!!

Dave McCree<.em>

Photographs courtesy of Dave McCree

The aircraft hanger was on the edge of the airfield and this one was used by 22 Fd Amb as stores, training areas, and a home to all our vehicles. In the time I was there I only remember the odd one or two planes landing, there was an RAF detachment if memory is correct. Certainly I remember playing cricket against them, and some RAF police using the corporals mess. Legend had it that that the RAMC billets had been built for the pre war Olympics but how true this was I don’t know.

Dave McCree