
Lübeck is one of the largest ports on the Baltic and along with Travemunde was of importance both during and after World War 2. The old part of Lubeck is an island in the Middle of the River Trave and was subject of one of the first major air attacks of the war.

Updated 12 August 2024

Stadtkreis Lübeck was the responsibility of the following higher formations:
11th Armoured Division 2 May 45
5th Infantry Division 3 May 45
15th (Scottish) Infantry Division 19 May 45
Guards Division 6 Apr 46
Hamburg District 31 Dec 46

On 22 Sep 48 the Norwegian Army under command Hamburg District became responsible for Schleswig-Holstein, however 5 (British) Liaison and Headquarters British Troops was formed in Schleswig for administration.

Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to Mar 49