Fort Qu’Appelle

4th Service Battalion, S & T Company 1968-1970
1st Surface to Surface Missile Battery 1968-1970
Brigade Battle School 1968-1970
Maple Leaf Services (MLS) 1968-1970

Originally built by the Nazi’s prior to WWII, Winkelman Kaserne had been created as a flak kaserne to accommodate those troops whose task it was to defend the Ruhr Valley from the Allied Bomber raids. On 16 April 1945, Iserlohn capitulated to the Americans to prevent its destruction. On becoming part of the British Sector the barracks were renamed Mons Barracks, after Mons, which was the site of the first battle fought by the British Army in World War I. It was handed over to the Canadians and christened Fort Qu’Appelle in 1968.

The following photographs are kind courtesy of Canadian Ruhr Memories.

Courtesy of Herr Manfred Schmitt