Fort Beausejour

Royal Canadian Dragoons 1957-1959
8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s) 1959-1962 Fort Garry Horse 1962-1965 Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadian) 1966-1970
Royal Canadian Dragoons 1970

Maple Leaf Services (MLS) 1957-1970

Seydlitz Kaserne was purpose built for by the Nazis prior to WWII and remained in their hands until the Allies arrived in Spring 1945. They then went on to be christened Epsom Barracks whilst occupied by the British until being signed over to the Canadians in September 1957 and renamed Fort Beausejour. The barracks were later returned to British hands in 1970 and given the name Corunna Barracks, after the Battle of Corunna, a battle of the Peninsular War which took place on 16 January 1809. . The camp’s history as a place for stationing troops came about on 5 October 1994, when the keys were handed over to the Stadt.

The following pictures are kind courtesy of Canadian Ruhr Memories.

“Lord Strathcona’s Horse, Royal Canadians”.

A Canadian soldier standing guard in spring 1960

Front Gate

Again, Canadian soldiers lining up for this snap in front of their Jeeps

Canadian Centurions lined op in front of the typical Wehrmacht tank sheds