Corunna Barracks

Home to:
26 Engineer Regiment RE 1970-1977 (1)
2 Armoured Engineer Squadron RE (2)
3 Armoured Division Engineer Regiment RE 1978-1980 (3)
26 Engineer Regiment RE Jan 1981-1994 (4)

Closed 5 October 1994

(1) 26 Engineer Regiment was reformed at Allenbrooke Barracks Sennelager 1 Apr 69 the Regiment had existed under the name of 4th Divisional Engineers since 1960 and contained 5 and 25 Field Squadrons the commanding officer was Lieutenant Colonel J P Groom MBE a year later in the regiment moved to its new home in Iserlohn in Nov 70 and would stay for the next 24 years
(2) from 32 Armoured Engineer Regiment Haig Barracks Hohne under command HQRE 4 Division in Apr 77 joined 26 Engineer Regiment and redesignated 2 Field Support Squadron 30 Field Squadron arrived on the disbandment of 32 Armoured Engineer Regiment Haig Barracks Hohne in Sep 77
(3) the Regiment was redesignated 3 Armoured Division Engineer Regiment 1 Jan 78
(4) the Regiment reverted back to being called 26 Engineer Regiment 1 Jan 81 in Mar 89 being a General Engineer Support Regiment to 3 Armoured Division – 30 Field Squadron disbanded Jan 92 and 25 Field Squadron transferred to 22 Engineer Regiment May 93 the Regiment was disbanded May 94 and 2 Field Support Squadron transferred to 32 Engineer Regiment as 2 HQ Squadron

On 16 April 1945, Iserlohn capitulated to the Americans to prevent its destruction.

Seydlitz Kaserne went on to be christened Epsom Barracks whilst occupied by the British Army until being signed over to the Canadians in 1957 and renamed Fort Beausejour. The barracks were later returned to British hands in 1970 and given the name Corunna Barracks after the Battle of Corunna, a battle of the Peninsular War which took place on 16 January 1809. A place for stationing troops came to an end on 5 October 1994 when the keys were handed over to the Stadt.

The following photographs were taken in July 2008 and show the changes to the Barracks that have taken place since the closure.

Photos courtesy of Steve Wright