Fort Macleod

2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) 1953-1955
1st Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) 1955-1957
2nd Battalion, Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada (QOR of C) 1957-1960
1st Battalion, Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada (QOR of C) 1960-1963
1st Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) 1963-1966
2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) 1966-1970

Maple Leaf Services (MLS) 1953-1970

After being constructed in the early Fifties, Fort MacLeod was home to many Canadian infanteers up until it was transferred to British hands in 1970. The barracks, which adjoined to Fort Prince of Wales/Peninsula Barracks, were then retitled Barrosa Barracks after the battle of Barrosa.

3 RRF were the last regiment to be accommodated here, the camp being handed back to the Stadt late in 1992.

Here a Corporal watches over the CES check of a Ferret scout car.

Spring 1963.

All photos above courtesy of Canadian Ruhr Memories

There was a path that led down from Deilinghofen to the barracks and this photo appears to have been taken on that path. The 1956 photo of the front gate was taken from the bottom of that path. It was a well worn bit of ground as the Deilinghofen end of it had a Gasthof, then called Meyer’s. A great number of Regimental prayer meetings and glee club sing-alongs, were held there.

All photos above courtesy of Mr Terry Flanagan