Manchester Barracks

Updated 8 July 2024

Original name – Fliegerhorst (Airfield) Kaserne

Home to:
Corps Commander Royal Artillery 30th Corps (1)
1st Battalion Manchester Regiment (Machine Gun) (2)
Norwegian Army – 18 Dec 47 to 22 Sep 48
1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) 1948-1952 (3)

(1) arrived from Schiffdorf west of Bremerhaven 7 Jun 45 – redesignated HQRA 30th Corps District 11 Jun 45 – 5th Infantry Division 20 Jun 45 – moved to Neinburg without further operational command 8 Jul 45
(2) arrived from Bergstraße area Feb 47 – moved to UK 20 Dec 47
(3) arrived from Hildesheim 24 Sep 48 – moved to UK Jun 52

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to 1 Mar 49

Part II

1st Battalion The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment 1952-1954 (4)
1st Battalion The Royal Berkshire Regiment 1954-1956 (5)
1st Battalion Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment 1956-1958 (6)

(4) Arriving from Egypt and departing for Brooke Barracks, Berlin.
(5) Arriving from Roman Way Camp, Colchester and departing for Assaye Bks, Tidworth.
(6) Amalgamated with 1st Battalion Essex Regiment forming the 1st Battalion 1st East Anglian Regiment (Royal Norfolk and Suffolk) and moved to Dortmund

My introduction to Germany was in 1953 as a schoolboy and member of the school Cadet Force. We went from Edinburgh to Goslar by ferry and train, which in those days was an exciting experience for a 15 year old boy.

We had been told that we were staying in Goslar and visiting the Harz Mountains, and this we did. Our accommodation was in the nearby barracks with the Royal Lincolnshire Regiment. The barracks I later discovered was called, Fliegerhorst, or flight training base. The Regiment occupied only part of the barracks as there was a large section occupied by Displaced Persons, still homeless after the end of the war.

It had been an airfield since 1927. The Luftwaffe had taken over the the airfield in 1936 and was used by Fallschrimjaeger troops (paratroopers), and as a base for transport and gliders. After the war, Norwegian Troops, Brigade 472 occupied the barracks from December 1947 until their return to Norway in Feb. 1948. They were in Germany following a request from the British Government for assistance in Border control and security, as the Russian border was not far away at that time.

The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment was in Goslar from 1951 until 1954 when the Regiment was transferred to Berlin. Later the barracks were handed back to the German Government, and became a German Air Force base. Much of the land that formed part of the airfield in 1953 has now been built upon. It celebrated 50 years of service in 2006.

The Barracks, (A Block)

The Royal Lincs.

School Visit.. A group from the Cadet Force at the Fountain in the Market Place, Goslar.

The Cadet Force also visited Hannover in 1953.

At the station, departing …Cpl Sherburn, 2nd Lt ? Mago Reid, Church Of Scot. Canteens, Major Brown & Capt. Sommers

Photos above courtesy of Mr Bill Lloyd. (ex Royal Signals, 1957/58), Birgelen Veterans Association

Captain George and AQMS Gottig ran the 4 Armd Wksps Detachment at Goslar in the mid 1950s and eventually both moved to the Detmold Wksp in 1957. Goslar was in the Harz mountains where the Army winter warfare centre was based at Wnterberg. When I was in Dortmund I was the Unit skiing officer who sent two personnel per month for training at Winterberg. I never went there myself and in fact have never skied. On one occasion I sent the Army Hammer Champion, Cpl Dave Bayes, for training and he broke a leg. Oops.

22794010 Sgt. Cooper C.E.