Scotton Barracks

Home to:

38 Sqn RCT 1969-1970 (1)
Claims Commission (2)

(1) Reformed here in 1969 under Officer Commanding Major A R Beers RCT receiving their first eleven 10 tonners in August of that year. Shortly afterward the sqn would move to Wrexham Barracks, Mülheim an der Ruhr taking over from the Royal Maltese Artillery Company.
(2) Previously known as the Land and Claims Directorate. Moved to Carnaervon Barracks in 1986, see below.

Since March 1973 I have been a civilian (locally employed) working with what was at the time the Claims Commission in Scotton Barracks. Ah, those were the days. Scotton Barracks used to be in Düsseldorf, where those who worked there will fondly recall it was opposite a Bowling Centre, where many people spent an enjoyable lunch break – either having a beer at the bar, or a quick game. It was also the home of the Civilian Mess for a large number of UK Based Civilians who were here with NAAFI, the Chief Liaison Officer for NRW, and the Chief Police Advisor’s office – not to mention Claims.

Most of the UK Based Civilians that have come and gone over the years did just that – came and went. A few returned for a second tour and yet a few more came back in other positions, with other organisations. However, once a claims person, always a claims person and if they do return they usually look to say hello and keep abreast of developments. Back in 1973 we had a staff of over 40. There are now just 5 of us. Following a move in 1982 from Scotton Barracks to Caernarvon Barracks, the office moved to Hannover in 1986, where it was based in Chatham Barracks. In 1992 it was moved to JHQ, where it remains to this day. What the future holds for claims is uncertain, as numbers reduce and the days of massed troop movements along German roads have also long gone.

Text courtesy of John Hawkins