Ubique Barracks

Updated 26 June 2024

Home to:
55th (Suffolk Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment RA 1946-1947 (1)
217 Battery – 218 Battery detached Hilden 15 Jul 46 – 219 Battery
220 Battery detached Essen 15 Jul 46
53rd Anti-Tank Regiment RA 1947-1948 (1)
106 Battery – 110 Battery – 115 Battery – 205 Battery
10th Anti-Tank Regiment RA 1948-1950 (2)
Q (Sanna’s Post) Battery arrived 19 Feb 48 – X Battery – Y Battery
Z Battery detached Menden 31 May 48 to 25 Sep 48
2nd Battalion Queen’s Royal Regiment (West Surrey) 1948 (3)

(1) arrived from Suffolk Barracks Jul 46 – redesignated 53rd Anti-Tank Regiment RA 1 Apr 47 – moved to UK 19 Feb 48
(2) arrived from Oldenburg 7 Apr 48 – moved to Detmold Oct 50
(3) arrived from Suffolk Barracks and Moore Barracks 8 Feb 48 – moved to Berlin 1 Jun 48

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to 1 Mar 49

Part II

‘Ubique’ and ‘Quo fas et gloria ducunt’ are the mottos of the Royal Engineers and the Royal Artillery. It was given to them by King William IV in 1832. The Corps does not have ‘battle honours’, like many other regiments in the British Army, instead they have ‘Ubique’ signifying their involvement in every battle every fought since their formation by William the Conqueror over 900 years ago. Originally the two Corps were one and the same, hence the same mottos, they were divided in 1716. To read on click here.

11th Company RASC ?-Jul 1965
21st Company RASC
45th Field Regiment RA 1967-1972 (2)
24th Missile Regiment RA 1972-1977 (3)
2nd Field Regiment RA 1978-1980
19th Field Regiment RA 1980-1990
27th Field Regiment RA 1990-1993 (4)

Closed 26 February 1993

(1) Moving on to Barker Barracks, Paderborn.
(2) Being disbanded in that year.
(3) Placed in suspended animation in that year. In February 1993 all the kit from the BQMS store was handed over and Ubique Barracks was handed back to the German Authorities some time in the following months.

The following 14 photographs are courtesy of Mr John O’Meara and were taken while serving in Dortmund in during February 1959.

Left – The WOs and Sgts mess building. Right – Camp 8 from the mainroad.

Left – Short cut on the other side of the main road into the playing fields, and to Camp 7 (Suffolk Barracks). Right – Mural on the wall close to the main gate.

Left – Camp 8 from the main road. Right – M.T. park?

Left – View from my Mess window. Right – View from the parade ground.

Left – Camp 8, looking from the playing fields. Right -View across the main road towards the playing fields and PMQ`s (permanent married quarters).

Left and Right – Views of Camp 8.

Left – WOs and Sgts Mess, the Mess Bar. Right – WOs and Sgts Mess, accommodation.

Photos above courtesy of Mr John O’Meara

I joined as National Service soldier in February of 1950 and was posted to 10th Anti-Tank Regiment RA in April of the same year. I forget the name of the barracks in Dortmund, but I am sure it was the next one to 40th Field RA going out of the town. The anti-tank role was taken over by the infantry on our departure. The equipment in 10th Anti-Tank were 17 pdr guns, pulled by International half tracks. We also had 17 pdrs mounted on Valentine drive gear and tracks with the gun facing to the rear. The gun had elevation but little traverse. The whole tank had to be turned.

We were changed to 10th Field about one year later in 1951 and was then under the reformed 11th Armoured Division. I left Germany at the end of January 1952 and was demobbed in February of the same year.


This photo was taken for publication in the “Stern” magazine, quite a well known mag in Germany. They did a four or five page spread on the Regiment.
There was a bit of consternation at the time, as they also took some photos of the Regiment whilst on Northern Ireland training. One published photo was of a soldier kneeling below a signpost with his S.L.R to hand. The only problem was that the signpost was in German and at that time we were not supposed to train for N.I while on German soil. (So we were told at the time). The German Authorities turned a blind eye to it but by the letter of the law we were in breach of said Law.
Going back to the photo, you can see one of my RPs raking the gravel around the gun with the main B1 Autobahn which passed Moore and West Riding Barracks in the background.
There were two 25 Pounder guns outside the main gates.

Information courtesy Provost Sergeant and later BQMS Garry Williams, image courtesy Der Stern magazine.

These photos (1 above and three below) show 24 Missile Regiment, Royal Artillery, at Ubique Bks in the 1970s prior to 12 Regt and with their Honest John Missiles. In the background can be seen the Gymnasium with a view of the H.Q Bty “Brush and Shovel ” Battery Bar.

51 Bty, 24 Missile Regiment, Royal Artillery