Lothian Barracks

Built – ?
Type – Wehrmacht
Orignal name – Artillerie-Kaserne later Klüter Kaserne
History – ?

Updated 23 June 2024

Home to:
1st Battalion South Lancashire Regiment 1945 (1)
HQ 155th Infantry Brigade 1945-1946 (2)
7th/9th (Highlanders) Battalion Royal Scots 1945-1946 (3)
1st Battalion Royal Norfolk Regiment 1947 (4)

(1) arrived from Lemgo north-east of Detmold 1 Jul 45 – moved to Belgium 9 Aug 45
(2) arrived from Belgium 9 Aug 45
– moved to Dissen south-east of Osnabrück 15 May 46
(3) arrived from Belgium 9 Aug 45 – Enger north of Bielefeld 5 Oct 45 – returns 21 Jan 46 – moved to Delmenhorst 3 May 46
(4) arrived from
Schloss Neuhaus 9 Jun 47 – moved to Berlin 5 Nov 47

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to 1 Mar 49

Part II

9th (Queen’s Royal) Lancers 1951-1960 (1)
Royal Scots Greys 1960- Jun 1962
3rd Carabiniers ( Prince of Wales’ Dragoon Guards) Jun 1962-1967
1st Queen’s Dragoon Guards (The Welsh Cavalry) 1967-1971
The Life Guards 1971-1975 (2)
The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons)1975-1980 (3)
The Life Guards 1980-1984
The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) 1984-1986 (4)
15th/19th The King’s Royal Hussars 1986-1992 (5)
Closed 15 December 1992

(1) On leaving the Regiment moved to Tidworth and amalgamated with 12th Royal Lancers to form 9th/12th Royal Lancers.
(2) From 1971 to 1986 the Life Guards & RHG/D alternated between Windsor ( Armoured Recce ) and Detmold (Armoured). When they amalgamated in 1992 to form the Household Cavalry Regiment this arrangement ceased and the single regiment became permanently based in Windsor. (See comment below photograph of Riding Hall)
(3) The Royal Horse Guards ( The Blues ) amalgamated with the Royal Dragoons in 1969 to form the Blues & Royals ( RHG/D being the correct abbreviation).
(4) From Feb 84 – Oct 86, moving to Athlone Barracks, Senelager.
(5) 15th/19th The King’s Royal Hussars took over from the RHG/D in 1986. The RHG/D then went on to Athlone Barracks, Sennelager, with the former accommodated at Lothian Barracks until it’s closure in 1992. Also in 1992 saw 15th/19th The King’s Royal Hussars amalgamated with the 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary’s Own), to become the Light Dragoons and ended up in Hohne.

Street View, alongside the Officers’ Mess.

I served as a cornet player/pianist with the Band of the 9th Queen’s Royal Lancers from October 1952 until my demob in July 1954.In those days what developed into a full blown swimming pool was basically an Emergency Water Supply which was rather dirty and which nearly claimed the life of one of my colleagues, Dennis Williams.He went swimming one lovely summer’s day, hit his head on the bottom, became unconcious but luckily for him another colleague lifted him up, literally a dead weight,got himto the surface-he was taken to hospital certified dead on arrival but as luck might have it was resuscitated and after some time in hospital recovered completely-he re-joined the band on a UK tour together with his rescuer, drummer Brod Jackson. They are still alive, fit and well and attend our annual Reunion in York.

William Denis Haydock, 9th Queen’s Royal Lancers Old Comrades Association

Officers’ Mess

The front of the Officers’ Mess, however it used to face out of camp onto the road

Sergeants’ Mess.

The Tank park showing the new servicing bay, indoor washdown and LAD to the rear

Tank Park

Riding Hall/Gym

You state that The Life Guards and Blues & Royals ceased to use the barracks on their amalgamation staying at Windsor. This is not entirely correct as the two regiments have never amalgamated, they are still two separate regiments but have formed a union as they have done in times of war since before WW1 (1st & 2nd Household Cavalry Regiments) People today join the Household Cavalry Regiment as either a Life Guard or Blue and Royal but they are posted on operations as Household Cavalry except for when they serve in the mounted regiments where they serve separately.

Sorry to be so picky but it is important to us to keep our identity alive

Peter Brown

I served in the RHGD (1973-77)and was posted to Lothian Bks in 1975, as far as I recall from working with local German civilian workers on camp the barracks were built for German cavalry reg’s in the great war,the were two stable blocks still in use in the 1970s as R&R for regimental horses from Knightbridge Barracks and also used by the officers for their polo ponies.

Paul King ex-RHGD