Wietzenbruch Air Base

Built – 1934?
Type – Luftwaffe Training (to 1939), Short term occupation by various Luftwaffe units
Original name – Immelmann Kaserne?
Former RAF Celle – handed over to the German Aviator Corps 1957
Reverted to its former name – Immelmann Kaserne

Home to:

601st AC & W Squadron 1956-1966 (1)
73 Aircraft Workshops REME 1968-1977 (2)

(1) Awaiting confirmation that this Squadron was actually on the Base
(2) Amalgamated with 71 Aircraft Workshop in 1977, and moved to Detmold.

When RAF Celle was handed over in 1957, that was not the end of its use as an airfield.

Although the RAF handed the base over to the German Aviator Corps in 1957, there was an American presence in the 601st Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron from 1956 until 1966. It was also home to a number of German Air units, some of which lasted only a very short time before being disbanded, renamed, moved, or a combination of all three.

An article in Wiki regarding the Air Base can be found here .Please remember that Wiki can be incorrect in some details.

In 1968 a British presence was re-established in the form of 73 Aircraft Workshop REME, remaining there until 1977.

1976 before the workshop closed in early 1977 on amalgamating with 71 Aircraft Wksp REME, Detmold.

Workshop hangar showing a variety of aircraft being serviced – 1976

Workshop Parade, 1975, on the occasion of the award of Bundeswehr marksmanship medals to members of the unit shooting team. I am third from the left in the six-man shooting team.

Bundeswehr Medal Presentation

The RAF occupied part of Wietzenbruch Airfield (most of which was being used by the USAF) from 1945 – 1957 during which time the Royal Signals also had a presence there with one of their Electronic Warfare Squadrons. The airfield was never actually closed, but was handed back to the Bundeswehr when the RAF vacated it in 1957.

In 1968 the British Army re-established their presence at Wietzenbruch Airfield with the formation of 73 Aircraft Workshops REME. This unit remained resident until its disbandment and subsequent amalgamation with 71 Aircraft Workshops REME at Detmold in early 1977.

The official Bundeswehr name for the Wietzenbruch camp was Immelmann Kaserne – I recall driving past the big bronze name plate on the gates into the camp on a daily basis.

Photographs and text courtesy of Alan Hutchins