Mercury Barracks

The barracks, situated at Rothenbach, on the Dutch/German Border, which was renowned for its cheap eggs, so I am told.

The camp was purpose built for 13th Signal Regiment (which up until 1 September 1959 had been known as No.1 Wireless Regiment , along with many other titles), who were seen to be needing a permanent location West of the River Rhine. After being stationed at Glückstadt (near Hamburg) and also Nelson Barracks, Munster, the decision to relocate the Regiment was taken in 1953, with its arrival at Mercury Barracks (planet Mercury being messenger of the gods, the figure of Mercury being centre piece on the Royal Signals cap badge) in May 1955. Remarkably, no operational cover was lost during transfer.

The Regiment and its sub-units carried out a vital Signals Intelligence role throughout the ‘cold war’ period.

Unfortunately, 13th Signal Regiment was disbanded late in 1994. The camp is now a golf club.

Note Tactical Electronic Warfare (EW) was later conducted by the newly formed 14 Signal Regt (EW) which formed in 1977, using many of the specialised tradesmen from 13 Signal Regiment (Radio).

Closed 31 March 1995.

Mercury Barracks as seen from the air. Mid 1990s

Main Gate for 13 Signal Regiment (EW) Royal Signals

Above shows the Officers’ Mess and bar complex

Above shows the disbandment celebrations of 1994

Above the disbandment celebrations continue

Det Commanders Course, 1993

All photographs courtesy of Maj Ian Dudding

More information on Mercury Barracks and 13th Signal Regiment and also their Veterans Association can be found by clicking here.