Berlin various

Berlin Brigade
Berlin, 7 Amoured Division

The above picture taken on 4 July 1945 shows the entry of troops into Berlin of the 7th Armoured Division, led by the 11th Hussars, the famous “Desert Rats” who had travelled with them from El Alamein, to Berlin, via Benghazi, Tripoli, Tunis, Sicily, Italy, Normany, Belgium and Holland. Major General LD Lyne CB, DSO, COG 7th Armoured Division and commander of the British forces in Berlin took the salute as his troops entered the city.

Berlin, British HQ 1945

Another photograph realeased for the press in 1945 showing the HQ for 7th Armoured Division and British Troops Berlin (notice the early formation sign without the words “Berlin”).

Updated 12 October 2024

Requisitioned civilian accommodation

HQ 7th Armoured Division moved to Am Rupenhorn 5, Pichelsberg, Charlottenburg (shown above) from the Olympic Stadium 17 Jul 45, returning to Itzehoe in Schleswig-Holstein 11 Sep 45

HQ 131st Lorried Infantry Brigade Group arrived at Karolingerplatz 7, Charlottenburg 4 Jul 45, returning to Schleswig-Holstein 11 Mar 46

HQ 130th Infantry Brigade Group arrived at Karolingerplatz 7, Charlottenburg 10 Mar 46 moving to Alemannenallee 7, Charlottenburg 15 May 46, moving to Hannover 8 Jun 46

HQ 5th Guards Brigade arrived at Alemannenallee 7, Charlottenburg 6 Jun 46 returning to Schleswig-Holstein 15 Oct 46, not relieved and operational units to direct command HQ British Troops Berlin

More to follow
Source: 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine to 1 Mar 49

Berlin Reichkanzler Platz 1950

Theodore Heuss Platz (previously known as Adolf Hitler Platz then Reichskanzler Platz) in Charlottenburg, West Berlin – 1950. To the right of this picture can be seen Summit House wich was the main British NAAFI for Berlin. Left of shot was Edinburgh House, the British Services Hotel. Summit House was vacated in 1991 and the NAAFI was moved to the newly completed Britannia Centre that had been built adjacent to Smuts Barracks on the site of the former Spandau prison.

Ex 22205445 Trooper Pat Howlett. “A” Squadron RHG 1950-54

Berlin NAAFI 1963

Berlin NAAFI Club – 1963

Courtesy of Len Moscrop

Berlin NAAFI 2008

The NAAFI at Ernst-Reuter-Platz (see below), called Adolf Hitler Platz during the Nazi rule, the NAAFI and picture house would have been to the right of the Signa iduna building, and Edinburgh house would have been to the left of the Signa building – June 2008.

Courtesy of Mr Graham de wey Peters, 1st Bn Grenadier Guards

I`ve entered your site by chance and found it very interesting. I`m a German citizen of the city of Berlin. I`m interested in the history of the West-Allied Forces in Berlin in general. I`ve got to the `Berlin Various´ Site and have to confess that there`s a false subtitle under Picture No. 5 (as seen from above). It shows the Ernst-Reuter-Platz (with a stopping Taxi in front) and not the Theodor-Heuss-Platz. The former NAAFI-Building still exists at Theodor-Heuss-Platz. Theodor-Heuss-Platz is approximately 5km West from the place where this picture was taken. Just straight away the Bismarckstrasse. So if anybody plans a journey to their former Serving Place looking for some memories. The NAAFI-House is still there – nowadays used as a Office-Building.

Information courtesy of Herr Sven Brauner, February 2013

Sign for British Military Train

Braunschweig (Brunswick as the British refer to it) Hauptbahnhof. This was where the British troops would begin their 145 mile rail journey east – next stop being Berlin.

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

Berlin, British Military Train

The British Military Train being towed by a Deutschen Bahn locomotive, 1969

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

Berlin, Charlottenburg Station

Charlottenburg Bahnhof, 1969

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

The British Military Train menu, wine list and seating plan for its final journey can be seen by clicking here.

Berlin, Charlottenburg Station

Charlottenburg Bahnhof, 1969

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

Berlin - Charlottenburg

Charlottenburg Bahnhof car park, 1969

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

Berlin NAAFI Club 1950

NAAFI Club – 1950

Ex 22205445 Trooper Pat Howlett. “A” Squadron RHG 1950-54

Berlin, Kennedy visit

I enlisted on 2 June 1962 and did my basic training in Fullwood Barracks, Preston. I joined the King’s Regiment in Berlin in September 1962. We were stationed at Wavell Barracks and I was part of the King’s regimental guard of honour for President John F Kennedy on 26 June 1963, at Tegel Airport, Berlin. The Regiment also guarded Spandau prison when Hess, Speer, and Von Shirach were being held there. I was sent back to the UK to help start the first King’s Regiment Army youth team, which involved giving film shows and taking cadets and youth clubs camping. I was the Driver Projectionist. I rejoined the Regiment in May 1965 in Ballykinlar Nr Ireland, but was disabled out of the Army in September 1965.

Picture and text courtesy of Mr Glyn Griffiths

Brandenburg Gate 1950

The Brandenburger Tor – 1951. Amazing to think that the Wall would run just in front of this gate only ten years later.

Courtesy of Ex 22205445 Trooper Pat Howlett. “A” Squadron RHG 1950-54

Berlin, Smuts Barracks, 1986

When the RAC Armoured Sqn based in Berlin went on it’s annual exercise to Soltau & Hohne it was always replaced by another Sqn from a Regt based in West Germany. In 1986 A Squadron 1 RTR spent 6 weeks in the city covering for 14/20H. The above photograph shows 4 Troop A Sqn 1 RTR by the Brandenburg Gate. The Berlin Wall is also visible.

Photo and text courtesy of Mr Tony Hart, ex 1 RTR.

Berlin, Brandenburger_Tur

The RMPs keeping a watchful eye on the neighbours.

The three photos below were supplied by the owner of the website of The 14th/20th Kings Hussars and its subscribers.

Berlin, Charlottenburg S-bahn station

Charlottenburg Train Station. Used by the British Military Train.
Many a soldier arrived in Berlin by this means of transport.

Berlin, Darby Strasse

A sign post from one of the pads’ (married personnel’s) estates.

Berlin, Darby Strasse

Darby Strasse

Berlin, Checkpoint Charlie, 1984

We couldn’t leave this one out; Checkpoint Charlie, 1984

Courtesy of Mr Andrew Kaye

Berlin, British Sector, Viewing the Wall

A view across the wall. British Sector, 1969

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

Berlin, British Sector with Tier Garten

The British Sector and Tiergarten as viewed from the air, 1969

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

Berlin, Brandenburger Tor, 1961

A look into the east from above the British Sector, 1961. Only on visiting the city could you appreciate the full impact of this photo.

Berlin, Soviet War Memorial

Soviet War Memorial, British Sector 1969. The barrier in front was set up after a neo-Nazi shot the Soviet soldier who was on guard duty, hoping to disrupt the Four Power Talks that were underway

Courtesy of R.W. Rynerson

Berlin, Soviet War Memorial, 1962

Me about to go on guard at the Russian war memorial – 1962

Courtesy of Mr Glyn Griffiths

Berlin, Soviet War Memorial, 1962

Soviet War Memorial – 1962

Courtesy of Mr Glyn Griffiths

Berlin, Russian War Memorial

Soviet War Memorial as can be seen today.

Berlin, British Guard Room, Soviet War Memorial

The Briitsh Guard Room which formed part of the Soviet War Memorial.

I was in 247 Pro Coy RMP between 1984 and 1986. I’ve definitely got some photos of me a lot younger and a lot thinner on duty there. They are taken at Charlie and I’ve some from the Wall Patrol we operated along the Brit Sector of the wall. These include one or two of me stood on top of the Reichstag (the tower at the rear right which has the German National flag flying from a bloody great flag pole on the roof, was used by RMP as an OP). It was a complete bugger to get up to, but the view was one that very few people ever got to see. I’ll get digging later this week.

Jeez mate, the memories are just flooding back. If I could turn back time, it would be to 1984. Sh*te music, sh*te sense of dress, crap chat-up lines but what the f*ck, Berlin was the posting. They posted me to Minden after it. No wonder I was p*ssed off.

I was on duty at Charlie one night in 1985, when one of the Commodores (after Lionel Ritchie had left them) came up to the window for a chat. I had no idea who he was, but I did see his mates doing lots of high 5’s with the SPAMs. Anyway, I was going off at midnight and leaving a lass on her own so had to show her the ropes concerning the Occurrence book etc. Your man knocks on the window and asks how we were. I said I’m fine but I’m busy so if you don’t mind mate, cheerio. The lass with me recognised him staight away and tried to draw my attention to his ‘stardom’. I told her to shut up and listen as I was being picked up by the transport in minutes few. My only claim to fame that was. F*cking one of the Commodores off at Checkpoint Charlie.

I watched them make the ‘4th Protocol’ down in what was the restricted zone in front of the Soviet War Memorial. Your man Michael Caine was sound. He served in Berlin with what was 7 RRF (Brooke or Wavell, can’t remember which he said). Vanessa Redgrave (I think that’s who his co-star was) was a miserable stuck up cow. Never uttered a word to us. Caine was sound though. Very friendly lad.

Jeremy Hands the reporter bought me a brew and a bockwurst roll from the Red Shield wagon. Yep, that was me rubbing shoulders with the high life. I was name dropping for years after that. Never did my acting aspirations any good though.

I ended up doing nearly 25 yrs in the mob. I’m going back to Berlin next year. It’s one place I really do miss. Then again, I also miss Hohne ranges…..I’ve become quite sad really now in my mid 40’s.


Berlin, Check Point Bravo

Check Point Bravo Courtesy of the Official 1 RTR Reunion Website

Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie is behind the photographer. Taken in 1969.


The Americans got very jumpy and walking along the wall could end you up in between the two checkpoints, effectively in no mans land! They politely suggested we move away for our own safety. Taken in 1969.

Photographs courtesy of John Morris