BAOR various

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British Armed Forces Bank Notes, issued by Command of The Defence Council. These vouchers were made initially by Thomas De La Rue & Company Limited, London followed by Bradbury Wilkinson & Company Limited. The notes were introduced post war to combat the Black market in Berlin. The notes ranged from £5 right down to a three penny. You could also spend British coins, but only in NAAFIs. British banknotes were not permitted. Whether the notes had any effect of the Black Market is hard to say (the notes were sold down town to pay for a night out!).

The small print reads: “This note is valid only for transactions within official canteens and organisations laid down in G.R.O.s of the theatre. Except as may be expressly provided in G.R.O.s it must under no circumstances be offered to any person who is not entitled to use British Service Canteens. Improper use of this note is a disciplinary offence and may render the offender liable to penalties.” For a more detailed view please click here.

As well as issuing Banknotes for their own use, the Allies issued German currency notes following the end of hostilities. It was around 1948 before German Banks started to issue their own notes. Examples are shown below.

10 Mark, Allied Military currency

1 Mark Allied Military currency

Notes and information supplied courtesy of Mr David Fill

Above can be seen a NAAFI trading card issued in 1961. For a clearer view please click here.

Courtesy of Mr John O’Meara

Above is a BFG Driving Licence dated 14 Apr 1986. For a clearer view please click here.