Home to:
HQ 11 Armd Bde
HQ Minden Garrison
87 Tels Wksp REME 1957-1958 (1)
87 (Specialist) Tels Wksp REME 1958-1961 (2)
87 Tels Wksp REME 1961-1967 (3)
20 Corps Electronics Workshop REME 1967-1970 (4)
20 Fd Wksp (Electronics) REME 1970-1989 (5)
211 (11 Armd Bde) SIGS SQN
49 AEC
4 Armd Div Officers’ Study Centre
Closed 1 June 1994
(1) Arriving from Clifton Barracks, Minden.
(2) Retitled 87 Specialist Telecommunications Workshop REME in 1958.
(3) Retitled 87 Telecommunications Workshops REME in 1961.
(4) Retitled 20 Corps Electronics Workshop REME in 1967.
(5) Retitled 20 Field Workshop (Electronics) REME in 1970. Amalgamated with 19 Field Workshop (Electronics) REME but retained original title. Moved to Mossbank Barracks, Bielefeld, in October 1989.
Kingsley Barracks was also the headquarters of the “Army Kinema Corporation” in BAOR The AKC at the time came directly under the control of the War Office. All staff had WOs and Sgts status, which put them in the Sgts’ mess for accommodation and rations. In 1959 there were about 48 cinemas throughout BAOR, not to be confused with “Astra cinemas” of the RAF which were separate at that time.
Courtesy of Konversionsflächen in NRW
Above is a welcoming stone which is still there and is located outside the entrance but is often overlooked as it is obscured by trees and bushes
Courtesy of Dave, Ex Reme, Ex Sgt, Ex NIEW Pussy Posse, LS&GC , JRC NAAFI and Bar
Guard Room to the right with the RMP accommodation to the left. The yellow building further on was split. The windows on the ground floor to the right of the door belonged to the COMCEN, to the left was the RMP rest room and kitchen and upstairs was the Det WO and the Police Office and Interpreters. The RMP took up about a quarter to a third of that block, the rest belonged to 211 Sig Sqn.
Courtesy of Mr Mick Hall