22 Armd Bde 1981-1993
201 Sig Sqn 1981-1993
7 Armd Bde 1993-pres (1)
207 Sig Sqn 1993-pres
4 RTR 1959-1960 (2)
14/20H 1960-?
11H 1962-1969 (3)
QDG 1979-1981 (4)
9/12 LANCERS1980-1984
1 WG 1984-1988 (5)
1 SG 1988-1993 (6)
79 Fd Regt RCA 1951-1953 (7)
4 RHA May 1951- May 1961
25 Fd Regt May 1961- Dec 1965 (8)
26 Fd Regt May Dec 1965-Aug 1971
49 Regt Aug 1971-Feb 1979
32 Armd Engr Regt 1993-pres
(1) Arriving from Bournemouth Barracks, Soltau.
(2) 4 RTR had recently amalgamated with 7 RTR. In Sept 1960 they were presented with new colours at Buck House and then were trooped on a mounted parade on the ranges.
The actual move of the Squadrons was in December 1960. On leaving Hohne in December, 14/20 Hussars took over.
At Lemgo A Sqn were were equipped with Saracens for the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, until 1962 when 1 Bn Royal Northumberland Fusiliers became the Infantry Bn. The troopers taught them all there was to know about driving and maintaining APCs and left to reform in Edinburgh. B Sqn departed for Celle and C Sqn went to Smuts Barracks, Berlin as an armoured squadron.
(3) During this tour the 11th Hussars became the first regiment to be equipped with the Chieftain Tank. In 1969 the 11th Hussars (Chieftain Tanks) amalgamated at Tidworth with the 10th Royal Hussars (Centurion Tanks) to form the Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales Own) This resulted in the “weird” situation of 11th Hussar tank crewmen converting from Chieftain back to Centurion Tanks. The Royal Hussars were the last Regiment to give up Centurion and convert to Chieftain in 1973. So some soldiers of this regiment could claim to be the first to convert to Chieftain and in the same breath also claim to be the last to convert to Chieftain.
(4) Belonging to this unit was Lt Mark Phillips (later Capt.) ex husband of HRH Princess Anne. The unit moved from Haig to Campbell barracks in 1979 due to the former being upgraded.
(5) The Welsh Guards arrived as part of the 22nd Armoured Brigade.
(6) Taking over from the Welsh Guards. On leaving, the Scots Guards departed for the newly built Victoria Barracks, Windsor.
(7) In 1951, 79th Field Regiment RCA joined the newly formed 27th Canadian Infantry Brigade Group in West Germany under command of the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). Instead of the 25-pounder Gun, the regiment was initially issued the NATO standard American 105mm towed howitzer, but the 25-pounders were reintroduced to solve problems with supply and a lack of uniformity with British units. The regiment was first quartered at Hohne, and then later at Fort Prince of Wales, near Soest in the Upper Ruhr Valley. The regiment was renamed to become 3 RCHA in 1953.
(8) Arriving in May of 1961. Equipped with M44 155 Howitzers.
Mark (Lt Phillips ) joined us straight from Sandhurst, however he spent a considerable length of time with the Olympic Eventing Team prior to being taken on ORBAT.
We were well aware of his secret girlfriend, with the occasional clandestine visits when we were in Detmold.
Ergo….most definitely a QDG.