Depot 90

(Corps Ammunition Depot, Sennelager)

Captured almost intact by the American Army in 1945 and handed over to 21 Army Corps for use as a Corps Forward Ammunition Depot

Was 1 (BR) Corps Ammunition Company

Operated by 44 (RP) Company (renamed 53 Ordnance Company)
1 (BR) Corps Combat Supplies Battalion RAOC (renamed 5 Ordnance Battalion RAOC)
Became part of 6 Supply Regiment RLC in 1993 and 63 Supply Squadron RLC

The depot held 1 (BR) Corps, 2nd line Ammunition in WWII Earth & Tree covered bunkers and everything from 9mm to 175mm and Lance MMA’s

They also produced and held stocks of BAOR SIMMO (Simulated Ammunition).

Closed in 2000 (need to confirm)

Battalion HQ & Soldiers Accommodation was at Barker Barracks in nearby Paderborn

Map of Depot 90 circa 1960

Amended 02/01/12 MC