20th Armoured Brigade 20 August 2001 – present (1)
(1) After leaving Barker Barracks, Paderborn.
Current Block 216 of Antwerp Barracks, behind the current Brigade HQ, was initially occupied by the RAC Gunnery School. They had lots to see on the Trg Area not only the captured Tigers but also the hulks the Wehrmacht had been using for target practice and the ammunition they had been using – captured from all over Europe and stockpiled at Sennelager. The Gunnery School was later deployed to Training Area Hohne – which started its post-war life as a British Tank and Artillery Training Area, although they stopped off in temporary accommodation near Reinsehlen before moving to Hohne camp.
The resident Brigade has had a gypsy existence moving from Antwerp Barracks, to Alanbrooke Barracks, thence to Barker Barracks and now back in Antwerp Barracks (same building) within the Normandy Barracks complex.
Mr Patrick Butterly
A parade that was held at Antwerp Bks in December 2006 to mark the end of Op TELIC 8. The Under Secretary of State for Defence Derek Twigg presented medals to members of HQ 20th Armoured Brigade and 200 Signals Squadron at the end of their seven month deployment in southern Iraq.
Courtesy of Sgt Anthony Boocock RLC