
British Army of the Rhine

Welcome to BAOR Locations. The purpose of this site is to give people, still serving or not, the opportunity to look back at the places in Germany where they may have served over the years and also a view of the regiments and units which shaped them. But, the site and the Forum are not solely for the ex-services community. As can be seen by looking at some of the personal profiles on the Forum, there are those whose father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, etc. served, or accompanied those who served, in BAOR.

This includes those who were possibly the Civilian Staff who worked in many areas of BAOR, be they Admin, locally employed civilians, whoever. All are welcome to wander through the pages of the site, and the Forum, to see where they, or family and friends, may have been stationed at one time or another, or just to relive old times.

With every passing year, knock downs and draw downs are reducing what was home to 4 divisions at the height of the Cold War. We find it important to try and capture as much of these memories and information in the form of words and images as physically possible. Enjoy the site and hopefully you will leave a little enlightened.

If you can’t find it – tell us, if you know something – tell us. We always welcome information, no matter how small the contributor may consider it to be. We need photographs of those Barracks that no longer exist, so hunt them out and send them to us. Please look at the “General” page of the Forum for details of where to send information.

Please appreciate that the site as a whole is, and probably always will be, subject to “Work In Progress”, “Page Under Construction”, “Page Under Revision”, etc. as (hopefully) more information is found or supplied.

Thank you.

“Nos persevero per nostrum laboris”

Any contributions, however small, would be kindly welcomed.

Please note – working camps will not be shown in detail for obvious reasons. Should anyone spot content within this site that has security implications, they are asked to contact the Webmaster, or an Administrator, with the utmost haste.

Help wanted. Should you be willing to donate time in becoming one of the site’s editors/researchers please get in touch.

Please Join and leave messages on our forum:
